Survival Training @ work

The company gets assignments in remote and almost inaccessible areas especially in the African region. The conditions and dangers prevalent in these areas require assets to be in peak order. Assets would have to negotiate all kinds of confrontations when on a mission. Some of the main problems that an asset can face include rude people, bad or inedible food and climatic changes. The company trains and seasons each asset to become almost immune to such adverse conditions.

The first and most important tactical survival training takes on weather. During the course of their routine work (read non-field assignments), assets are exposed to heat and cold in indeterminate alternation. This is achieved through the central air conditioning unit which is turned on to extreme cold and then turned off to extreme heat in sporadic intervals.

Survival training number two prepares us for the worst possible food scenarios. The food served to the assets are tasteless, cold and in the worst of conditions. Sometimes the food is also filled with foreign agents like insects. This helps the assets to condition their stomach to bear worst-case scenarios and their tongues to become unreactive to taste, good or bad.

In addition to these two primary approaches, there are training surprises on the agenda too. Examples include serving tea with spoiled milk, elevators that can test patience and roofs that suddenly leak during rains.

The trainings are so organized that the assets are prepared both physically and mentally to take on what would be the worst nightmares for an untrained person.

Kudos to the administration department that has taken up this herculean task of making our assets attuned to hazardous living. "Survival of the fittest" derives new meaning here.

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